
This tip for educating children in the style of the Prophet may rarely be known even though there is a hadith. According to the Prophet, girls and boys should have separate rooms at the age of 7 years.

Need To Explain

Parents need to explain to their children why they are no longer allowed to share the same room, and also teach them not to shower together or take off their clothes in front of the opposite sex, including siblings.

Relevant Psychology

This Apostle-style parenting style is very relevant to today’s psychology. There have been many roro4d studies that have proven that scolding children, especially with sufficient intensity, can have an impact on children’s emotional, psychological and character traits.

Some Even

Children who have parents of this togel singapore online type are proven to get angry more easily and some even have grudges against their own parents.

Good Way

Well, the Apostle himself taught to first suppress parents’ emotions when their child makes a mistake, then tell the child about their toktoto mistake in a good way. So don’t say harsh words because it will only hurt his heart.

Full Love

According to friends, Rasul was a father and grandfather figure who was full of love. The Apostle even without server thailand hesitation showed his affection in front of the community, thus making his children feel loved.

Educating Children

The concept of educating children in the style of the Prophet is actually very different from the point of view of men at that time. In that era, men had to be masculine figures and not gentle with children.

Apostle’s Method

In fact, the Apostle’s method is actually very compatible with parenting science. Showing love to children is the same as teaching children to also love their parents. Children who lack parental love will usually have a bad personality and can even be negative.

Important Thing

In order to be able to apply the various ways of educating children in the style of the Prophet above, the most important thing that parents need to do is to improve themselves first. Because no matter how good theoretical teachings are for children, they will still be inferior to examples or direct practice from parents.

“Because children are great observers and imitators. If parents are disciplined, children will follow the example, but if parents often say harsh words, children will follow suit.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

Various Methods

Parents can make the Prophet Muhammad a role model, and parents can be role models for their children. So, the various methods above will only work if you also demonstrate them, not just give theory.